For your Austin Asset advisor, maximizing the tax efficiency of your portfolio isn’t an annual practice, but an ongoing activity. We review our diversified taxable portfolios regularly for tax-loss harvesting opportunities and, using your up-to-date tax information, make the best decisions for you and your portfolio.
There’s still time to make a regular IRA contribution for 2018. You can contribute up to $5,500 or, for qualifying taxpayers*, up to $6,500 by your tax return deadline (for most, April 15th). If you file your taxes by the April 15th deadline, please take a moment to post a copy of your return to your client portal. By now, your custodian should have sent your 1099 forms, but they may later issue corrected forms. If you receive corrected 1099 forms after filing your return, contact your tax preparer and ask about next steps. Of course, your Austin Asset team is also available to answer any of your questions whenever needed.
*Must have been age 50 or older on December 31, 2018